Where can I stay and do I have to book in advance?
There are lots of accommodation options along the Hebridean Way and we strongly recomend that you book in advance as places can get booked up quickly. You can see a full list of accommodation here.
How far is it from Castlebay to the start in Vatersay?
It is around 5-6 miles over the causeway to Vatersay to the start of the Hebridean Way. The start is opposite the Vatersay Hall.
Can I buy gas canisters on Barra?
Yes Buth Bharraigh in Castlebay sells gas.
Are there companies who provide bike hire to do the Hebridean Way?
Yes Barra Bike Hire and Bespoke Bicycles Hebrides.
For repairs, who do I contact?
Here is a list of businesses that may be able to help
Road Safety for Cyclists
Please take care on the roads. The roads are mainly quiet, but there are some spots where the route can be busy with fast flowing traffic. There are also long distances where you will be travelling on single track roads - please use passing places to let other road trafic users pass and always stop to let traffic travelling uphil pass.
Please read the following safety information from our council, Comhairle nan Eilean Siar - Safe Road Travel in the Outer Hebrides and also our cycling safety blog.
Tick and Lymes Disease Awareness
Always check yourself and click here for more information.
How do I get to Vatersay?
There is a bus to Vatersay but you MUST book it by 5pm the day before you travel. Call 07506 072309 to book.
Which direction?
As the prevailing wind is from the south-west, it is best to walk the route northwards from Vatersay to Lewis so you have greater chance of having the wind and light behind you. You can walk from Lewis to Vatersay, however, we currently do not have route instructions forr this direction. It is something we will be developing in the future.
How do I get there and back?
You can travel to Oban by ferry which will take you into Castlebay, Barra or you can fly in to the famous Barra Aiport - the only scheduled air service anywhere in the world that uses a beach as a runway.
The start point in Vatersay, is 5-6 miles from Castlebay, and you may wish to take a bus, taxi or even walk.
In Stornoway, you can either take the ferry to Ullapool or fly to Inverness, Glasgow, Edinburgh or Aberdeen.
For detailed travel information click here.
For more walking tips and safety advice, read this blog.