This walk starts of at the Kilpheder machair track. Follow the track along, passing through a gate (if closed, close behind you). Keep going, taking in the wildlife and wonderful array of machair flowers: most vibrant around June and July. At the end of the path, take a right turn (If you wish you could go straight ahead which will lead to the beach - off course this will add time to the walk). Follow the path along passing through another gate. The land here is pretty flat and you will have wonderful vistas over to the hills, Ben Kenneth and Ben Mhor.Keep with the path and you will reach the Daliburgh Machair and machair road. Turn right on to the tarmac road and follow the road into the village of Daliburgh. Keep going, passing the shrine and past the road to St Peters church. Follow the road round, over a small bridge and then at the junction, turn right and keep walking, following the road until you are back to where you started.
Map & Directions
- Start walk here at the Kilpheder Machair Road/Track
- Turn right, or if you like you could head straight on which will take you to the beach.
- When you reach the tarmac road, you will turn right and walk into the village of Daliburgh, over the cattle grid.
- Keep following the road, passing the shrine
- Turn right at the junction and keep following the road, road the bend and you will see where you started.
- Turn right at the junction and keep following the road, road the bend and you will see where you started.
- As you walk round this corner, you will see where you started the walk
- End of walk