Visiting the Outer Hebrides is an unforgettable experience, with breathtaking landscapes, rich history, and a warm, welcoming community. But did you know that Gaelic (Gàidhlig) is still widely spoken here? While everyone also speaks English, learning a few Gaelic phrases can enhance your experience and help you connect with locals.

Here are some popular Gaelic phrases that will come in handy during your visit!

Basic Greetings

A friendly greeting goes a long way, and in Gaelic, there are different ways to say hello depending on the time of day.

  • HelloHalò! (ha-LOH)
  • Good morningMadainn mhath! (MAH-tin vah)
  • Good afternoon / Good eveningFeasgar math! (FES-kar mah)
  • Good nightOidhche mhath! (OY-kuh vah)

If someone greets you first, you can simply reply with the same phrase.

Polite Expressions

  • Thank youTapadh leat! (TA-pa le-at) [informal]
  • Thank you very muchTapadh leibh! (TA-pa leev) [formal or plural]
  • PleaseMas e do thoil e (Masheh do hol eh)
  • Excuse me / SorryGabh mo leisgeul! (Gav mo LESH-gul)

Useful Everyday Phrases

Want to start a conversation or ask for help? Here are some handy phrases.

  • How are you?Ciamar a tha thu? (KYAH-mar a ha oo?)
  • I’m well, thanks!Tha mi gu math, tapadh leat! (Ha mee goo mah, ta-pa le-at)
  • What is your name?Dè an t-ainm a th’ ort? (Jay an TAHN-im a horst?)
  • My name is…’S e … an t-ainm a th’ orm. (Shay … an TAHN-im a horum)
  • Where is…?Càite bheil…? (KAH-cheh vail…?)

Phrases for the Pub or Café

Sampling local food and drink? These phrases might be useful!

  • A cup of tea, thank you.Cupa tì, tapadh leat. (Coo-pa tee, TA-pa le-at)
  • A coffee, thank you.Cofaidh, tapadh leat. (KOH-fee, TA-pa le-at)
  • A whisky, please.uisge-beatha, tapadh leat. (ooshk-uh beh-huh, TA-pa le-at)
  • Cheers!Slàinte! (SLAAN-chuh)

Place Names

Learning some Gaelic place names will help you navigate your way round the islands!

  • LewisLeòdhas (LEOH-as)
  • Great BerneraBeàrnaraigh Mòr (BYAHR-nah-ray MOHR)
  • ScalpaySgalpaigh (SKAHL-pi)
  • HarrisNa Hearadh (Na HER-rah)
  • BernerayBeàrnaraigh (BYAHR-nah-ray)
  • North UistUibhist a Tuath (OOH-ishd uh TOO-ah)
  • GrimsayGriomasaigh (GREE-muh-say)
  • BenbeculaBeinn nam Faoghla (BAYN nam FOH-luh)
  • South UistUibhist a Deas (OOH-ishd uh JESS)
  • EriskayÈirisgeigh (EH-rish-kay)
  • BarraBarraigh (BAH-rai)
  • VatersayBhatarsaigh (VAT-ar-say)

Outdoor Adventures & Directions

With so much stunning scenery to explore, asking for directions:

  • Where is the beach?Càite bheil an tràigh? (KAH-cheh vail an TRAH-ee?)
  • Which way to the ferry?Dè an dòigh air an aiseag? (Jay an doh air an ASH-ek?)
  • I need help!Tha feum agam air cuideachadh! (Ha feum ah-gum air koo-JOCH-uch)

Final Tip: Give Gaelic a Go!

Even if you only manage a simple tapadh leat or slàinte, locals will appreciate your effort. Gaelic is an important part of Hebridean culture, and using a few phrases is a wonderful way connect with the community.

So, why not try out a few of these phrases on your next visit to the Outer Hebrides? You might even get a Gaelic reply!


Love Gàidhlig
Gaelic Language
Love Gàidhlig truck

Learn the Gaelic language with us and enrich your Gaelic conversation skills while visiting the Hebridean island communities. From immersion courses to one-off local lessons, let us give you a sense of belonging to the Gaelic world. We do not have an office/shop you can visit, as we work from home.

Igot2travel GAELIC
Gaelic Language
Thatch Cottage , North Uist

Igot2travel offer wildlife watching, cultural & history, walking, fishing and inter-island day trips with a local Gaelic speaking guide. Specially tailored personal tours across the Outer Hebrides, introduce you to the magic of the islands.

An Taigh Cèilidh
Gaelic Language
An Taigh Cèilidh cafe

Nicknamed “The Gaelic café” by locals, An Taigh Cèilidh is a Gaelic community centre with events, café, bookshop & gifts. The use of Gaelic is encouraged, though everyone is welcome regardless of whether fluent or don’t have a single word.

An Lanntair
Arts Centres
An Lanntair external

The largest arts facility in the Outer Hebrides and comprises a gallery, performance space/cinema, education room, bar/restaurant and gift shop. It has won many awards including a Come to Britain Trophy and Traditional Music Venue of the year.

Taigh Chearsabhagh Museum and Arts Centre
Arts Centres
Aerial photo of the Taigh Chearsabhagh building, looking towards Lochmaddy Pier and Lee.

Taigh Chearsabhagh Museum & Arts Centre is a place where people can meet, share ideas, learn new skills and experience cultural interpretation that is imaginative and stimulating.

HebCelt Festival
HebCelt Festival band on stage

The multi-award winning Hebridean Celtic Festival (HebCelt) has been a key feature in the cultural landscape of the Outer Hebrides since 1996. This internationally renowned event has a unique setting in the Scottish Hebridean island of Lewis, the heartland of the Gaelic language and culture.


A week long event of Gaelic song, dance and music.